Friday, June 13, 2008

We made it!!

I can't believe it but we did it!!!! with four animals and a car loaded down with supplies.  It was not without it's challenges forgetting Elizabeth's crucial work clothes for the first week of her new job and having to turn around and get them adding about an hour and 45 minutes to the opening of our drive. Oh well! We were just ahead of all the bad weather. We were glad to hear from the real estate company in Omaha that things are doing okay at the property there, just some yard waste needed removing and the driveway had to be trenched for water drainage due to all the rapid amounts of rain. 

On to some of the highlights of the move process....the movers broke PLENTY of our stuff!  Oh lawd! These were by far the least professional movers we have ever had. It's a luck of the draw with these things but from inappropriate actions by the driver like...screaming on the phone in an argument with the management handling the union packer workers to wanting to sleep in his semi ideling outside our quite residential home in Omaha...lawd the list just goes on and on.  But the important thing is we did get our stuff...even if some of it was broken or had water damage????

Elizabeth and Mokie just before we loaded the truck in Omaha.
When we got to the new house we realized there were no window treatments...You know how violated you feel when the whole world can look into your that had to be the first thing to go up.  This is a job for Elizabeth.  This is where she shows she really is a Heelan.  She has good measuring and engineering skills.  
Here is E brushing here teeth and getting ready to head off for her first day of work at the new job.  E is REALLY loving her new job!!  The people are really nice and she has a s-w-e-e-t office with a terrace!
Okay, I thought I would do a little intro to our awesome new town. We both love it sooooooo much. It has so much charm.  The picture above is of the town hall. On the green here they hold craft shows and things in the summer.

The picture directly below is a very typical looking residential street scene in my town. The pictures following that are of shade tobacco. We live in what is called the Tobacco Valley and this VERY expensive form of tobacco called Shade Tobacco is grown in the you drive you see fields like the pictures below hanging with this gauzy cloth blowing in the wind...very neat.  The tobacco can not take heat or wind so the shadey gauze is moved around by workers as needed to protect it...all that babying makes for a sweet cigar we hear.

Our town has a very old world feel with places like Russo's Italian Pastry Shop where John the owner wouldn't let me take my cannoli's I had purchased with me into the record 100 degree heat we had the other day because I had another errand to run and was not going straight home and he did not want them to I had to run my other errand and come back by to pick up the cannolis!  To a younger more vibrant feel of young working class people with busy lives (and lots of kids) who take advantage of the great starter homes in the community and close proximity to all greater New England has to offer. We have heard the town is basically made up of these two types of people: the young people and the older people who originally built these 1950's gems. (You know I am partial to the great and long forgotten craftsmanship of the 1950's house!) with a few professionals enjoying the convenience of it all thrown in for good measure. All I know is we love it!!! I love the new house, it's got a fierce cottage vibe going on. I will post more pictures of the house on the next blog entry.  I should have things out of boxes by then....maybe.


Unknown said...

Awesome!! I love the pictures and all the "inside" information on the local town folks. You know we love the locals.
So, shade tobacco - interesting. I bet it's a sweet smelling town!!

E looks super in her 1st day digs!! Unum would have been foolish to pass her up. Tell her don't be smokin on that terrace!!


Dede Zimmermann said...

Great photos of your new home and town. I love the action shot of E working on the drapes!